Ready to Lose that Excess Weight?

Smyrna Chiropractor Offers Medical Weight Loss

Obesity is not just a problem when shopping for a new pair of jeans; obesity is deadly. Did you know that people who are overweight are 40% more likely to have a shorter lifespan than people with a healthy weight? If you have struggled for years with excess weight, stop struggling and start succeeding. Our very own Smyrna chiropractor, Dr. Ara Leguizamon, lost 40 pounds in 4 months on our medical weight loss plan! He and our whole team are enthusiastic about the plan and ready to help you succeed too!

3 Reasons to Try Smyrna Rapid Weight Loss Plan

Our Smyrna rapid weight loss plan was scientifically developed to help your body shed excess fat while training you in healthy lifestyle changes. This system gives you the following 3 benefits:

1. Avoid Disease-Excess fat damages your body's critical systems. Obesity is one of the top risk factors behind hypertension, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Obesity is also a risk factor behind many forms of cancer. The good news is that our medical weight loss plan can help overweight people reduce these risk factors, which can help them live longer, healthier lives!

2. Less Pain-Overweight people suffer more back pain, headaches and migraines, gallbladder disease and osteoarthritis. Excess weight strains the musculoskeletal structure, pulling the spine out of alignment, leading to pinched nerves that often cause back pain and headaches and migraines, as well as many other aches and pains.

3. More Energy-According to research from the National Weight Control Registry, people who lost weight had a marked boost in energy levels, more self confidence and an improved outlook on life in general.

While rapid weight loss on fad diets can be dangerous because of the yo-yo effect, our medical weight loss plan is doctor-supervised and we teach you how to keep the weight off for good. Our patients report vast improvements in their physical and mental health!

Just think of it: how could losing excess weight improve your life?

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